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Mena Lee是美国信心天路事工的创始人, 是神在末世拣选的先知仆人, 是针对美国的先知, 传讲神在末世对美国的悔改, 审判, 认罪, 复兴, 拯救的信息.

我要和大家分享最近一段时间神给我的异梦, 不止一个, 所以我把他们放在一起, 因为他们都是彼此相关联的.

大概两周以前, 半夜3:36分, 主神对我讲话, 是关于美国的. 我已经有好几个月没有听到神对我讲述关于我们国家的具体的事情了, 看起来好像挺太平的, 但现在我有些吃惊. 神说: 对这个国家审判已经被盖了封印, 是不会被逆转的, 而且审判已经开始了. 这时, 我看到一个很大的圣杯(祭拜用的金属或玉石做的杯子)里面装满了黑色的液体, 杯子开始倾斜, 里面的液体开始洒到地面上.

然后, 我主我神对我说: 审判将分三个阶段展开.

神并没有具体的向我启示这三个阶段将如何进行, 和将来的事情如何在时间里成就. 在神和讲这段话之前, 我大概有两周的时间, 连续的梦见导弹袭击美国和以色列. 在这2周中, 每一次的梦都看见导弹袭击不同的美国城市, 和以色列的耶路撒冷. 这样的梦, 在两周之内, 重复了五次之多.

我另外的一个梦(因为梦很长, 我不会分享细节), 显示今天的教会在灵里正在沉睡, 而且没有在警醒守望, 放下了警觉心. 梦的最后一部分, 由于导弹来袭, 正在大规模的紧急疏散. 在梦中, 我知道导弹来自东方的国家. 当我在梦中的一个教室里, 努力的警告一群基督徒, 他们嘲笑并羞辱我, 告诉我他们再也不想听我的谈论了, 告诉我赶快离开. 我离开了, 最后的结局, 他们都灭亡了.

最后我想和大家分享的是前几个晚上的异象. 我刚刚躺下, 已经很累了, 合上眼睛, 尚还没有入睡, 意识还很清醒. 我突然发现我站在阿拉斯加的海岸线上, 那是一个冬天, 我从海面上看过去, 我的眼睛好像望远镜一下就看到了对岸的俄罗斯. 我看见许多的坦克, 导弹发射车, 军队, 和战斗机, 他们正在集结, 准备冲到美国这边来. 我问神, 为什么让我看见这些.

争战马上就要来了. 神回答说.

我尽我所能警告今天的教会, 神的计划没有改变, 敌人正在忙碌的工作并预备着, 圣经的预言也正快速的应验当中. 我盼望当你们读到这些, 在灵里不要再沉睡, 陷入虚假的平安和繁荣里面. 我们必须要记住毁坏是突然来到的.

平安, Mena Lee Grebin

信心天路医治事工 Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

About two weeks ago, around 3:36am, the Lord spoke to me regarding America. Now I hadn't heard Him speak specifically regarding the nation for a couple of months now, and things seem to have been quiet, so I was taken by surprise. The Lord said, "Judgement has been sealed for this nation. It will not be reversed, and it has already begun". At this point I saw a large chalice full of some type of dark liquid. It began to tilt and then the contents therein began to spill onto the land. The Lord spoke again and said, "The judgement will unfold in three phases". I was not given the phases or the time frame of which these things will come about. Prior to this word, I went through a two week series of dreaming about missiles striking America and Israel. Every time I saw this come about, I'd see missiles striking multiple places in America, however, when it cam to Israel, I only saw Jerusalem being hit. This reoccurred five times within a two week period. Another vivid dream I had (I won't go into detail because of the length of the dream), displayed how the church had gone to sleep spiritually, and therefore had placed their guard down. Towards the end of the dream there was an evacuation due to missiles striking the US. I knew that the strike came from the east (i.e. the Orient), and somehow had knowledge that China and North Korea were involved. When I tried to warn the group of Christians that were contained in a classroom setting, they mocked and scoffed at me. I was told that no one was listening to me anymore, and that I needed to just leave; so I did, and at the end, they all perished. The last thing I want to share is a vision I had just a couple of nights ago. I had just laid down for the night, and was very tired. I closed my eyes, but was not yet asleep; still very conscious. I immediately found myself standing on the very edge of a shoreline in Alaska. It was the dead of winter. I was looking across the waters, and somehow was able to zoom into Russia. I saw military tanks and artillery, troops and jets. They were all gathering together, and preparing to cross over into the US. I asked the Lord why was He showing this to me. "War is coming" He responded. I am putting all of this out to warn the church that the plans have not changed. The enemy is still working, and bible prophecy will continue to swiftly come to pass. My hope is that none of you reading this has fallen asleep under the illusion of peace and safety. We must remember it is when that is said that sudden destruction comes. As with all things, take this to prayer. Shalom Mena Lee Grebin Faithful Walk Healing Ministries


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