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我感受到以色列与邻国之间争战的气味, 越来越浓了, 特别是伊朗. 2017年2月6日, 以色列国会通过在犹大&撒玛利亚地建立定居点的法案. 标准这以色列有合法的权益在"巴勒斯坦的私有土地"上居住, 建立房屋. 这条新闻, 最近也在多个国家上了头条, 因为这是历史上第一次, 以色列用立法的手段合理化在西岸建立定居点.

美国白宫川普政府的努力似乎没有奏效, 美国人本打算, 川普总统与以色列总理内塔胡在2月15日会面之后, 再请以色列在国会通过这个关于定居点的草案, 但显然, 以色列这一次没有听从美国人的建议. 川普会不会觉得以色列人走的太快了一点? 或者不给他面子? 川普会不会有厌烦以色列的一天, 而决定不再陪以色列玩了?

伊朗已经开始公开反对和抵抗川普政权. 他们最近有试射了新型导弹, 美国也公布了对伊朗的最新制裁. 伊朗甚至夸口他们有能力他到美国, 而且他们的导弹只需要7分钟便可以打到以色列.

国际社会许多国家都是一副等着瞧的态度, 观望美国新政府到底会有什么新作为. 但有一件事情很清楚: 美国和伊朗已经开始各自给对方化"红线"--底线, 表明彼此不爽.


最终, 以色列雅各将与波斯的伊朗在一场全面的争战中, 面对面, 硬碰硬. 诗篇83篇已经预言, 这个争战最终会导致歌革的争战. 俄罗斯将与伊朗同道, 联合利比亚, 苏丹等国家与以色列争战, 这些都记载在以西结书38-39章中.


I Sense that Israel is moving Closer and Closer to War with its Middle East Neighbours; Particularly Iran. On 6th February 2017, The Israeli Parliament (The Knesset) passed a Bill Legalizing Outposts (“Settlements”) in Judea & Samaria (the So-Called West-Bank). Meaning that the Israelis will have a Right to Live and to own Settlements in the so called “Palestinian Private Lands.” This has been Headlined as follows by The News Channels: ‘“In Historic first, Israel Legalizes West Bank outposts with Sweeping new Legislation.”’

White House (read Donald Trump) tried in vain, to urge the Israeli Parliament not to present the Bill on the Floor of Parliament, until after Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a meeting with Trump in USA on 15th February 2017. This was thus not heeded in Israel. Will Trump feel that Israel is not walking at his pace and is jumping ahead of him? Will a time come when Trump will have had "enough" of Israel, and will decide to leave them to "Walk Alone"?

Iran is already showing Defiance and Contempt to The Trump Administration. First by Testing Ballistic Missiles, and then following another Testing of the Missiles moments after the American Administration Issued New Sanctions on Iran, for Test-launching Ballistic Missiles, in the first episode. Iran even boasting that if America attacks them, they will “only need 7 Minutes for their Missiles to reach Tel Aviv, Israel”.

Even though Many of the International Communities are still in a “Wait and See Mode” regarding The New American Administration (Donald Trump Administration), but One thing is already very Clear: That Iran and the United States of America have already Drawn Lines (Red Lines) about their total “Dislike” for each other.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also in a Charm offensive on The Leading Nations of the earth, for them to pile more Sanctions on Iran.

Eventually, Jacob (Israel) will face off with Persia (Iran) in a full-blown confrontation that will draw in other Middle East Nations; in the Psalm 83 War. This will eventually lead to the Wider War drawing in The Japhethites (He of Magog): Russia. Russia will side with Iran and other Nations of the earth including Libya, Sudan E.T.C in The Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39.


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